Vision problems come on slowly and methodically, depending on the overall health history of the person and the dietary preferences of the person in distress. Losing your eyesight is uncomfortable and frustrating for those who may not develop noticeable symptoms until the disease has become severe. While the best strategy for healthy eyes is an eye exam with your optometrist, early detection and prompt treatment can prevent vision loss.
Sight is one of our most cherished senses. To be able to bear witness to events, nature, and memories being made, we’d be hard-pressed to find our vision as a minimal necessity. Our eyes are the windows to the soul, and when we lose that sense, we lose an essential part of who we are. Therefore, the question remains: Do natural remedies play a role in vision loss, or do we rely on tried-and-true prescriptions to fulfill what might seem like a dire situation?
Optometrist and Ophthalmologists have succinct measures to ensure that our vision is never taken advantage of, yet unless they approach methodology with alternative ways or an open mind, it might be futile to change how reversing vision loss can become.
The Primary Causes of Vision Loss
When you visit your eye doctor it’s imperative to have a thorough exam of your current situation. Oftentimes, and optometrist will gather health history, your latest eye prescriptions (if you wear glasses), and any other pre-existing conditions that could plague your vision. Before undergoing a natural remedy, if that’s the pathway to overall vision health, think about these causes of vision loss that are suffered by those either older or unaware:
- Bacterial infection
- Medications
- Corneal scars
- Eye tumor
- Retinitis
- Diabetic retinopathy
- Glaucoma
- Age-related macular degeneration
- Cataracts
- Trauma
- Vitamin A deficiency
- Viral infections of the eye
- Toxins and poisoning
Because impaired vision becomes more common with age, the above conditions can affect the visual processing centers in the brain. It is different than blindness, and one that can’t be corrected to a normal level with eyeglasses.
Promoting our eye’s health doesn’t require a great deal of investment, yet it is imperative to do the research and to know what works and what doesn’t. There are some simple and easy steps to help prevent vision loss, including wearing sunglasses and hats while in the outdoors, eating nutrient-dense foods that are geared towards eye health, maintaining a proper weight, managing stress, and avoiding cigarette smoke. All of these have an effect on our vision.
Natural Herbs for Eye Wellness
To succumb to the philosophy that our eyes aren’t prone to outside interferences with either environmental toxic substances or internal maladies causing distress is to approach the natural world with a degree of hesitancy. Here’s the thing though: A natural remedy for vision loss needs to be taken seriously, as our bodies are designed to uphold and adhere to more holistic wellness than ever thought possible.
We came from natural circumstances, and it is with these remedies that we’re able to return and restore what was given to us at birth. It is NOT a fictitious claim to employ natural and organic remedies for vision loss. One important factor to take into account is that the ‘natural’ method isn’t a quick fix. Patience and perseverance are two traits that must be followed towards the path to better vision.
Most western medicine doctors are now incorporating more alternative herbs and solutions into their traditional practices, mainly due to demand. If our holistic wellness ranks higher in society than prescription drugs (and their higher costs and the propensity towards addiction) it’s highly likely that natural remedies will be more popular than eyedrops or eye medicine, or even laser surgery down the road. Big Pharma wants you to spend an exorbitant amount of money that may never alleviate your symptoms of vision loss, thus you’re left with out-of-pocket expenses you hadn’t planned and your vision continues to be compromised.
Here’s a quick list of natural herbal remedies that can ward off the onset of vision loss while helping your overall wellness:
- Eyebright – more of a folk remedy for the eyes. Hastens recovery from conjunctivitis. Packaged in tea form as well.
- Gingko Biloba – an antioxidant that protects nerve cells and improves blood flow to the retina. Improves vision for glaucoma patients.
- Coleus – reduces the production of fluid in the eye, which reduces pressure from potential glaucoma. Contains forskolin.
Following, and in conjunction with the herbal remedies above, it’s wise to take these supplements to also help with your vision and keep your eyes as healthy as possible:
- Vitamin C – 500 mg
- Vitamin E – 400 IU
- Zinc oxide – 80 mg
- Copper – 2 mg
- Lutein – 10 mg
- Zeaxanthin – 2 mg
Many comprehensive supplements contain eye vitamins, yet it’s important to read labels to ensure you’re receiving the proper amounts for your age and current health. Physicians aren’t always apt to prescribe supplements and required nutrients through dietary avenues; it’s not in their basic training, yet alternative and holistic doctors are in tune with what you need and what promotes proper well-being.
That said, vision loss and the studies showing positive progression with vitamins and herbs is a significant step towards remedying without huge medical bills. For instance, a specific amount of the combination of vitamins and herbs, coupled with a healthy diet of eye-type vegetables (carrots, beets, fish, eggs, sweet potatoes, kale, nuts) slows the progression of vision loss by as much as 25%. The key is to always read labels carefully when shopping for nourishing eye-health foods and to have a discussion with your doctor about what’s best for you.
Many different natural eye remedies can also counteract each other and decrease their usefulness as well, therefore it’s recommended to consider all supplements and herbs you’re taking before adding a new one into the mix.
Supporting your eye health and vision requires a well-balanced diet, this cannot be stressed enough. While a multi-vitamin tends to include eye supplementation, if you suspect your vision is becoming compromised, increase the dosage for eye health, only after letting your physician know your plan.
Where Do We Go From Here?
Whether you believe in the power of herbal remedies as ways to combat vision loss depends on whether the facts support the realities. Your sight is precious, therefore placing your eyes into the hands of skilled professionals is the difference between receiving quality guidance and expert recommendations, or doing your own research and hoping for the best.
Maintaining good eye health means to protect your eyes from oxidative damage and inflammation. Oftentimes, vision loss can result from a lack of care of the eyes. If your insurance has a ‘vision’ clause built into the plan, it’s wise to visit your eye specialists at least once per year. They have the capacity to test for every type of eye issue that arises, as well as offer essential information aimed at keeping your vision healthy through proper nutrition and lifestyle advice.
Final Thoughts: Separating Fact from Fiction
Receiving a wake-up call regarding your vision isn’t a farfetched notion. The aging population faces the effects of impaired vision as the years tick away. Consulting with your eye doctor every year is your best defense on keeping vision loss from setting in and affecting your overall well-being. Prescription eyewear, laser surgery, eye drops, avoiding certain irritants all play a role in helping with eye care.
The question remains: are there true natural remedies to reverse vision loss? The answer is YES. Talk with your eye specialist. Give them specifics on what holistic ideas you want to try, and listen to their opinions.