The retina is a layer of tissue inside of the eye. It is responsible for sending messages from the optic nerve to the brain. If the retina detaches, then it will be pulled or lifted from its normal position. Permanent vision loss can result if this problem is not corrected right away.
The retina is attached to vitreous, which is a gel-like substance. The vitreous becomes more watery and thinner as we age. The change in shape can cause the vitreous to pull away from the retina. As a result of this, the retina is unprotected. Fluid will travel between the wall and the retina. This will cause detachment.
Retina detachment happens slowly and needs to be treated as soon as the symptoms appear. Bright flashes in your side vision, a sudden decrease in vision and an increase in floaters in one’s vision are signs of retinal detachment. You should see a specialist as soon as possible if you suspect that your retina has been detached.
At Florida Eye Specialists and Cataract Institute we can repair your retina in several ways. Below is a list of some of the treatment options that we offer:
The term cryo means freezing. It involves freezing all of the layers of the eye by using a metal probe. This seals the retina against the eyewall. Cryotherapy is a lot like laser treatment, but it uses cold instead of heat. It will take cryotherapy about a week to form an adhesion. That is why strenuous activity will need to be avoided for a week.
Laser photocoagulation helps reduce the risk of vision loss in people who suffer diabetic retinopathy. It helps stabilize vision. Not only can it prevent further vision loss, but it can restore lost vision. Photocoagulation involves using light in order to coagulate retinal tissue.
Photocoagulation may also prevent the progression of macular edema. Focal photocoagulation may be used in these cases. Proliferative retinopathy is an advanced form of diabetic retinopathy. Scatter, or pan-retinal, photocoagulation can be used to treat this condition.
Pneumatic retinopexy
Pneumatic retinopexy may be used along with photocoagulation or cryotherapy. This procedure involves surgically repairing the detached retina. Local anesthesia is used during this procedure. It is typically an outpatient procedure. The eye doctor will inject a gas bubble into the middle of the eyeball. After that, photocoagulation or cryotherapy will be used to seal the retina.
Your physician will determine the best treatment plan after examining the retina. Our team is ready to serve you! Contact us immediately to setup an appointment if you believe your retina is detached.