Retinal Detachment
Your retina is attached to a gel-like substance called the vitreous which makes up for most of the eye’s volume. The vitreous can becomes thinner and waterier as we age. A change in its shape can cause it to pull away from the retina producing a tear. This leaves the retina unprotected, allowing fluid to travel between the retina and the wall causing retinal detachment.
In most cases, retinal detachment is a slowly progressing issue and needs be treated once the symptoms are discovered. A sudden decrease in vision, large increases in the amount of “floaters” in vision, or the manifestation of bright flashes in your side vision are cues to schedule an appointment with one of our specialists at our office as soon as possible. Retinal detachment can also be a complication of cataract surgery.
If you experience central vision loss, progression of a dense shadow throughout the visual field or an unnatural curving of straight lines, especially as the result of a head trauma, we recommend that go to an emergency room as quickly as possible. Retinal detachment is a medical emergency because it can lead to permanent blindness.
At Florida Eye Specialists and Cataract Institute, we treat retinal detachment in several ways. These include the latest advances in cryotherapy, photocoagulation and pneumatic retinopexy, as well as other procedures.
Retinal Tear
Retinal tears may occur in patients with nearsightedness (myopia), as it can cause the vitreous to pull away from the retina. Although a retinal tear does not cause pain, it can cause flashes or floaters in the field of vision, a reduction of vision, a shadow or curtain forming in side vision, or other vision changes. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should schedule a retinal examination immediately.
Early detection and prompt treatment of a retinal tear can often prevent the retina from detaching. Retinal tears are successfully treated with lasers to seal the retina to the tissue underneath. At Florida Eye Specialists and Cataract Institute, our treatments for a retinal tear are very effective in relieving symptoms and preventing retinal detachment.