Hearing Test

Hearing Test

October is National Audiology Awareness Month and the Hearing Center at Florida Eye Specialist and the American Academy of Audiology are urging the public to be aware of the importance of good hearing health. “Make an appointment with an audiologist and get your hearing checked today,” said Lauren Fessler, Director of Audiology. “Hearing is one of the most important aspects of our health–it connects us to people, keeps us vital in the workplace as we age, and when left untreated is associated with other health issues.”

The National Institutes of Health’s National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders states that approximately 28.8 million Americans could benefit from the use of hearing aids. While age is often cited as a factor, there are growing numbers of younger people reporting hearing difficulties.

A study published by the Lancet Commission on Dementia Prevention, Intervention, and Care cited 11 risk factors for dementia, including hearing impairment in mid-life. The report also stated that dementia typically starts many years before it is recognized. Untreated hearing loss can impact the brain and cognitive health.

There is also a link between untreated hearing loss and falls. According to a study conducted by Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, an increase in hearing loss in an individual, for instance going from normal hearing to an untreated mild hearing loss, is associated with a three-fold increase in fall risk.

To schedule your healing exam please call 813.681.1122